


A tool for both corporate enterprises and governments

  • A user-friendly, “point-and-click” software tool for helping local corporations and governments develop inventories and emission reduction action plans for both their operations and the community-at-large.
  • Covers both in-house and community wide greenhouse gas emissions from energy use and waste.
  • Quantifies financial savings, air pollutant reductions and other co-benefits of greenhouse gas emission reduction strategies.
  • Automates energy conversions, embeds emission coefficients, speeds up analytical and monitoring component of local action plans.
  • 40,000 words of illustrated on-line Help.
  • Versions of the Greenhouse Gas Strategy Software have been developed for use by cities in the following countries or regions: Canada, United Kingdom, South Africa, the Philippines, Thailand, Italy, South America (spanish only), Mexico and the United States.



Torrie Smith Associates
125 Perry Street
Cobourg, Ontario
K9A 1N8


TEL: (905) 372-0216







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